George Corder — Colorado

He comes off as being a quite loveable teddy bear… but girls, looks can be deceiving. He will spend a lot of time on social media but not text you all day. If you text him first he’ll be sure to wait hours to reply. He works at a sweet little bakery with his family. Harmless right? He has a sister and of course his mom that he is close to. So you think he would know how to treat women, right? Wrong. He claims to be a gentleman but that is false advertising. He’s not. The first time I met this guy he tried to stick his hand up my dress. He was forceful and kept putting himself on me and trying to touch me even though I kept trying to swat his hand away. When you try to express your concerns he will just get mad at you and call you crazy instead of calmly talking and problem-solving like an adult. He’ll tell you that he likes you a lot, can see himself dating you, and wants you to meet his dad sometime. It’s all a lie. When I told this guy I wasn’t comfortable being physical with someone unless I was in a committed relationship he just got mad and said he wouldn’t commit to anyone unless he had *** with them first. So yeah, from afar he can seem like a great catch. Ladies, I can assure you he is not. He is disrespectful and has a temper. Doesn’t value women and only views them as *** toys. Stay away from this guy and warn the others. You will save yourselves a lot of wasted time. Time you can spend with someone who actually cares and will treat you with respect. He’s just in it for *** and has a foot fetish.

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