Genevieve Lemaster — Lemoore, California

Genevieve aka Gen has been sleeping with my husband knowing he’s married. I’ve tried to talk to her but she hangs up on me I messaged her she blocks me. She knows he’s married and continues to **** him hes 33yrs old this nasty ***** is 45 and bald headed. She claims she’s a family woman yea with every woman’s family old ***** get your own husband. She works for the tachi tribe in Lemoore at the education center obviously *** education for male parents.

1 thought on “Genevieve Lemaster — Lemoore, California

  1. If she knows he’s married and still ***** around with him and if you tried telling her your still together or whatever the case maybe let the desperate ***** have the dog. Any woman I don’t care if your together married separated still married and still seeing each other any woman should respect that and leave the guy alone until he’s divorced. Why would a woman tell another woman that the guy she’s ******* is married and still seeing the man if it’s not true? Girl let the hoe have him cause one day she will be in your shoes telling some hoe that your husband who’s is with her is not single and is with her, trust karma will have her feeling hurt and broken like you. Let the ***** have him and let karma get her

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