Gene Paul Sides — Montana

this man was married for 20 something years in that time he beat his kids and his 1st wife kept them locked in a glass house constantly moved around so that CPS could never track him down worked under the table when he even did work that when he wasn’t whoring his wife out and having her raped. when she had enough and tried to leave him he Stalked her and threatened her and tried to kill their kids. she filed for divorced and in the time they where married he NEVER showered when he did take a bath he soaked in a tub and when he got out it was all black and gross he cheated and says how he was in the coast guard but never made it through basic training he beat his oldest daughter to the point she was hospitalized and miscarried her baby ( his grandchild) he met his second wife while he was still married and ran off with her before the paramedics arrived for his oldest daughter I lived across the street at the time she was a great lady i knew of her from her store and he took her for everything she lost her big beautiful house her brand new truck and 3 cars she lost her family and her children he beat her youngest son for not refilling his tea glass he likes to say how he was in the rodeo and ran his own business but none of it ever happened he also says how his kids and his 1st wife had mental health issues when hes got doctor records that prove he is VERY mentally unstable he talks bout how his ex fiancée was killed by a drunk driver yet she took her daughter and walked out on him on Christmas eve he had his 2 nd wife raped and taken advantage of yet he will say she was a liar and a cheater when it was him he raped a 20 something year old girl he called his daughter while he was married to his second wife and molested a 18 year old girl with epilepsy when he was with his first wife then tries to force his 12 year old daughter to wear skimpy leotards to her gymnastics practices when she feels uncomfortable in them and tells her if she refuses he wont come watch her hes now remarried for a third time and i can honestly say i feel bad for her he will take her for everything she has the first few times its great he give your jewels and flowers makes dinners and breakfasts then once your married its all over

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