Gaetino Jared Schlosser “Guy” SR — Florida

This person who I would not even call a man, is dangerous to any female who has a lot to offer, he will latch on and not let go until he has completely destroyed your spirit, job, and any friendships you may have. He is a 100% narcissist abuser. He only focuses on himself, can inflict extreme cruelty with his words and actions. Example: Take all of your belongings I mean everything put them in the bonfire and then bag them up and put them in the trash leaving you with only the clothes on your back and then accuse you of being the one that did it. File a completely false restraining order on you have you removed from your only home in the middle of the night just so he could have the opportunity to sleep with his so called best friends ex-wife. Lies constantly, talks about everyone like their dirt and then face to face is so nice….it’s disgusting….. Call your job and tell them your on drugs and whatever might cause you to lose your job. Talk trash about you to everyone behind your back. Sneak off into the woods to have oral *** with his ex while your asleep in bed. Want you to work and pay the bills while he has females in your house doing whatever! LADIES THIS MAN IS HATEFUL, CUNNING, MINIPULATIVE AND A COMPLETE USER!!!!!!! RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!!!!

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