Funcom — Bad game

Funcom has created a discriminatory reporting system that allows them to ignore their rules or enforce their rules. Their zendesk does not work and they refuse People the right to discuss issues on their main page. The current example of discrimination. A complaint was filed against a clan on 8072 and the clan received a ban for two weeks because they used too much land claim. I filed a complaint against a clan on 8101 for the land claim that was far more excessive. I took a video and showed how it extended around temples. If they apply action to players violating land claim rules then they better not be discriminating. Which They are. After I filed a complaint with zendesk about 8101 landclaim The reply I got is “Funcom “will investigate but not all reports require action. They then say players will not be notified of outcomes which is disturbing. That Leaves Funcom unaccountable and the Conan community has to compare notes with each other to catch what is being done. That is how I was able to document my last two complaints. My ticket number on 8101 was made before another two complaints were made on 8072. Two more landclaim complaints were made on 8072 and those complaints were made after mine. Two more clans on 8072 were ban for two weeks. The clan from 8101 had no action taken. I get why zendesk likes keeping people in the dark accept we are not. I then made a complaint on 3824 because the virus is undermeshed at the red wall. They can raid but cannot be raided back. If you try and raid them you in violation of Funcom rules. Funcom has also made it incredibly hard to document undermesh. They made promises that they had a new antimesh. The new antimesh is very hard to document but We got evidence of the under mesh and reported it to zendesk 3 weeks ago. The virus has also despawned bosses and has no respect for the rules. My report is not being investigated on either room and no action has been taken. The community has supplied tickets that were made after mine and have been resolved with action. I can now prove the rules are discriminatory and a violation of people who bought their service. To tell paying customers to play on a new server is not the answer because I have gone from server to server and get ddosed on every one. The ddos actually shows up on the event log as server shut downs. It’s not hard to track clans that bring non stop server shut downs. We were on a server and it played just fine. A known clan known for ddosing showed up and we were losing connection over and over. We submitted a complaint and told funcom to investigate the server shut downs that follow specific clans. Every server has undermeshed cheaters that can raid but cannot be raided back. Ddossing and now discriminatory rules. Constant blue screen. How can they make money? Funcom will never make another penny off me and any games they creat I will no longer invest my money. The constant ddosing has destroyed people’s routers and their services is not as advertised. To all you good people angry at funcom start a class action and get everyone to come forward with their evidence. Players are talking about the exploits. People are saying funcom employees and friends of the employees are getting and using exploits that are specifically for their use and specifically designed for them with every update. Once the exploits become public knowledge a new patch will fix the exploit but a new one will always be in its place and it’s now a distinct pattern that is happening with funcom updates. It must be said that regular people are talented and can win at the game while they need exploits, ddosing, and cheats. Customers should be told about outcomes and they should not have rules that discriminate

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