Frank Espinosa — Anderson, California

Well, where do we start? I met him he said he was going through a divorce and had 2 kids. He also said he was 25. (He’s a pathological Liar) I later found out after dating for about a month that no, he hadn’t even got started on divorce and that he was 23! Then we are together for a couple more months and he had said I love you and that he wanted to marry me. I got Pregnant in January around or on his birthday. a few weeks later We picked out rings and a week to the day he calls and says he can’t do it. I’m like ok I wasn’t pressuring anyone. de, He is the one that went to my family and told them he was going to marry me! SO I had his son and then unknown to me he goes bald to his ex-wife and gets her pregnant, leaves her about 2 months later, and gets a new girlfriend, and yes she gets pregnant too!! Meanwhile, my son is born he came to the hospital the next day. His other son and then a daughter. 4 years later I made a boo-boo and slept with him bc I was hoping lied continue to do his visits w our son. Nope. very inconsistent and lies repeatedly to get out of seeing him. Even lied to me about having another kid at his house so as to NOT play baseball that I had signed up for. What kind of dad doesn’t want to play baseball w his son? I get prego again. Not so fin. But I figure I’m 32 and this may be my last chance, so we have a baby girl. SO now there are 6 kids. He already owed back child support of 5K on our son and I was getting between 50 or maybe 100 a month but that was after 2 yrs of nothing. Then he goes after another baby momma and tried to take the thief’s daughter bc his new GF believes all his lies that WE are the crappy psycho moms! That didn’t work bc it’s been proven in court that he’s a POS! He lies about anything and everything ladies: Don’t go there! His grandma also backs him up in lies as she is an enabler. He married his current gf and told me he wanted to be with her bc she has S and a 5-bed house for his kids! Umm Chats still not providing for YOUR kids YOURSELF!

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