Frank Dobsich — Pennsylvania

This guy is a total POS, cheater, and biggest liar on the planet. He belongs to several dating websites. I met him on one of the websites he frequents. He starts off as the perfect gentlemen. We exchanged emails, phone numbers, went out a few times, and really stared to get to know each other. He started to ask me for naked pics of myself,asked if I masturbated and to take videos of it and send it to him, and if I had skype to we could have cyber ***. He would text me more then actually talk over the phone, and when he did call or text, it was always the same days around the same time. When we did plan a date, we either met up somewhere, or he always came to my place. When I asked to come over to his place or I could pick him up to go out, he always had some excuse. BIG RED FLAG. I have spoken to other women on these websites, and he has done the same thing to them. I have come to find out that everything he says is a bunch of lies. He says he lives with roommates, LIE. He has a child and is still with his baby momma and THEY live together. Be aware of this one ladies. De he is the devil in sheep’s clothing.

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