Francesca Long — Luray, Virginia

My Husband and I had chosen to go to therapy to work on some deficits in our marriage. I was under the impression that this would be great for us to grow as people as well as a couple. He was the man of my dreams, but this girl turned him into the man of my nightmares. I say, girl, even though she is 30ish and a Mother, but no self-respecting woman would sink her grimy talons into a married man. My Husband works with this woman, that is how they met. He was a self-respecting, family guy, who chose to commit to vows based on who I am as a person, a committed Mother, a dedicated salesperson with career goals, a motivational speaker, and an overall good person. He didn’t want a fast, easy “piece”, he wanted devotion, and I gave that to him 110%. Francesca Long has taken this man and turned him into someone I don’t know anymore, and someone I don’t want to know anymore. She was the “new girl” at work, she quickly gained a reputation for sleeping with men that worked there. I did not worry because I trusted my Husband, and NEVER thought this could happen to me. I was confident, and now I’m BROKEN. I am LOST. This started because he bought her a swimsuit, they “hooked up” that day. She stroked his ego, they developed an attraction, they had ***, and then they thought they were in “love”, it’s not, but they will learn the hard way. I was left at home for a week, he LEFT ME on our anniversary for this *****! They slept together on OUR anniversary!

She knew he was married, and still chose to pursue him! He didn’t deny it when I confronted him, he admitted it. I sought her out after a week of being left, they were together in OUR car, she was drunk to the point of puking, with HER 3-year-old son IN THE CAR, and MY HUSBAND. I said to her, “you know he’s married, right?” She said, “yeah, nice to meet you”. NICE TO MEET ME? NICE? *****, you are lucky you didn’t get your *** beat then and there. I asked her to stay away, she refused. I asked her to respect my marriage and wait until we were divorced, she refused. *****, I prayed for you, prayed for you to gain respect for MY marriage and YOURSELF. But you girlfriend, you are a lost cause! A month+ has passed, and men have shown up at my house, saying they’ve slept with her, she was their hookup before she was my HUsband’s. I have seen videos of her with these men. What kind of individual allows their *** sessions with multiple men to be videoed? A *****! Nice job on the makeover Francesca, he looks like **** now, he went from clean cut to a mugshot since being with you. Ladies, keep your Husbands away from this piece of ****! Luray & Page County VA Francesca Long is EVIL and will bang your man with no conscious! ONE THING THAT HURTS THE MOST IS I NEVER GOT An “IM SORRY’ So I’m going to now let you go and pray you find your soul from someone who is just as narcissistic as you; LET ME TELL YOU AND EVERY woman who breaks the unspoken sisterhood Of respecting the sanctity of marriage……This is where you need to take a pen and paper and write this down …

I am a woman who believes with every fiber of my soul that the definition of unconditional love is – you messed up, own it, you can be forgiven, my love has no conditions, unlike you choosing to stay and hide and not speak to me YOUR WIFE. I was just another promise you couldn’t keep.

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