Frances Gilbert — Government Grant Scam

I friend gave me this link to apply for federal government assistance program. So I clicked on it. Francis Gilbert gave me an application to fill out. I filled it out. Name, address, phone, email, monthly income, a picture of me holding my ID drivers license. She took about 5 to 7 minutes and got back to me with an approval. I was amazed because I thought I would be overqualified. She then asked me what award would I like. And the amounts went from $30000 to $1000000. And I would have to pay a fee upfront and I would have my money in 4 hours. That sent an alarm go off in my head. But I chose the least amount, $1500 for $30000. Then she said what was closest to me Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or Food Lion. I said CVS. She then said go there and get 3 $500 American Express gift card and receipt and get right back to her immediately. I knew right then that it was a scam. I told her I was no longer interested. She said well I have all your information. I said no more contact. She said the money would be delivered to my door and I would have to pay the fee. I didn’t respond. She got back to me and threatened me saying the FBI would be coming to my door. Other clues were that she misspelled her name , Francis with an I not an e. She also used poor grammar. Now I’m worried about what she can do with my picture, license, name,address, phone, and email.

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