Fox Sports — Non televised N.Y, Giant football game

I have been a nNew york Giant football fan my entire lif and can never recall on a Sunday their game not being televised. This game in particular with their former quarterback Eli Manning’s Jersey being retired at half time adds insult to injury. I don’t know who makes decisions on why this game was absent on TV but whoever it is probably doesn’t understand the importance of passionate fans and the fact that this game had super interest because of the retirement of one of their all time greats. In my view he or she should be fired , sport to many is not just that , it’s a way of life .when making a decision such as this knowledge of the event was absent here. Fix should be ashamed of themselves. It’s a disgrace not only to your network but to those who make theses decisions . Just Horrible!! Too late , unless you are so decent that you compensate the Giant fans in the tri state area

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