Fox Sports — Fox Sports announcers say Washington from LA Rams integrated the NFL

The Rams Washington did not integrate the NFL my grandfather Bobby Marshall who was the first African American player in the League’s history I was watching the game yesterday where your announcers stated THAT and also showed his book this outright lie INTERESTING A book on Bobby Marshall was released this weekend (Breaking Through The Line) But this was not mentioned I only wonder if this is because my grandfather who was All Pro in his first season was a lifelong Republican Attorney but to integrate something means you go first and he definitely went first he also played two other sports as a professional and only the NHL send a representative to the book release party my Nephew who is an attorney here in the Twin Cities a very good one has argued cases in front of the a circuit I am going to confer With him considering Legal action against FOX and the announcers I also plan on informing every media Outlet possible about this I think this could be a perfect example of you’re picking winners and white supremacy I wonder what your players would think Your denying someone There rightful place (my grandfather) I also wonder if this is because he also had Jewish heritage I intend work with the Jewish Community considering this also concerning your portrayal as being a falsehood and outright lie Bill Marshall (billmls96@gmail.Com) That up to FOX SPORTS

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