Fidelity Investments — Non-Return or Information Pertaining to Funds wired To an Account Before It Was Closed

I am Harguide Hutchinson. I had an account with the last four digits …2571 with Fidelity. My account was closed just about December 3, 2021. I was locked out of the account. At that time, it had $16,205 which remained in the account. In many conversations it was agreed the money would be sent back to its JC Penny account. Fidelity has refused to tell me where the money ended up. I have been told by the person handling the wired money that none of the $16, 205 was returned to the JC Penny account. money was returned. I want verification the money was returned to the JC Penny account, or I want it refunded to me so I can return it to sender myself.

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