Fernando Wallace — Maryland

being the faithful wife i am i was blindsided by just the disgust of it all. I have been with this man for over 12 years and married for 2.5 I have devoted every ounce of my being to him. so yesterday he bangs the s*** of me, rolls out of bed, gives me a kiss and proceeds to go to the bank to clean out all of OUR money. comes home and tells me that this so called love of his life and him are going to be happy now. No warning. we were supposed to be working on his cheating and wanting to relive 30 years ago of glory days. nobody deserves to be treated like that and you cant tell someone you love them and then do that. Be a man and be honest. He has the nerve to tell me the woman who keeps playing on the phone must be someone else and that his girlfriend wouldn’t do something like that. No but she would carry on a relationship with a married man? Yeah she is full of great morals. please free to call her and let her know 443 532 4606 that spreading your legs does not make you a lady in shape form or fashion


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