Family Dollar — Store never open

This store is never open especially when the so called manager is there. I called corporate and they reached out to the store and the manager told them she was the only person there and she had to use the restroom and that’s why the door was locked. I’m sitting outside the store while on the phone with them looking inside the store and I see two or three people and a child climbing up the entrance door. It’s been a whole hour now and the doors are still not open. This store needs to be closed because they are not getting any business because they are never open and corporate apparently believes what their so called manager s say and too lazy to look at the cameras. It’s already bad enough the shelves are empty and none of their stock makes it to the shelves because they taking it home and leaving it where the customers can’t spend money. Look at your cameras and see what’s going on with this store because it’s never open

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