Family Dollar — Continued overstock

I have been working at family dollar for several years as a stocker. The store gets a truck with more inventory every week. To a point I can understand that some items are needed to restock the shelves. No problem here. The problem many stores are facing is the product coming off these trucks are not what is needed. The shelf space is limited to only hold maybe one case of a product if your lucky. We continue to get way too much of some items that are not the best sellers. We have a back area to unload the product from the trucks. The space that we do have should not be loaded with overstock that can not go to the sales floor. This creates a serious issue. The more we get from each delivery that cant be used is the more space lost due to back stock. Many times a few new products will arrive in these shipments that have no place to go in the store. Each store is required to do a count of what is needed 500 to 600 outs as they are called. We very seldom get those items. What we get is overstock of items already on hand. This make ones job alot harder then it should be. Management states nothing can be done about this. I say hogwash. This is not any way to operate a business There is no common sense in this situation and needs to be fixed. One other small item that needs attention, While we have not even gotten half way through winter, We have received swimming pools and charcoal instead of salt.

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