Fallon O’Connell — Colorado Springs, Colorado

BEWARE!! This piece of bar trash knew my fiancé and I were having problems and she decided to take it upon herself to become his friend since they have daughters in the same class in school and eventually start sleeping with him! Because I lived out of town he was getting away with it for over 6 months before I found out! What makes it worse is she is very well known in town to be an Adderall ***** and has slept with several married men including the owner of the bar she works at! Watch out for her, my ex-fiancé even said she probably has AIDS she’s been with so many guys! The only reason she sunk her claws in my man is she knew he was taken and it was a challenge for her! Ladies beware she pretends to be a sweet single mom that is going to school to be a nurse but what she is really just a home wrecking ***** looking for someone else’s man to take care of her kids!!

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