FairShake.com — Arbitration Fees

The jury is out on them (pun intended). I had high hopes but ran into a bunch of issues:- Although they claim ‘No upfront costs to you’ everywhere that is not true. The arbitration committee fees are yours and can run into the hundreds of dollars depending on the circumstances. And if you loose possible more. Maybe not officially Fairshake’s fees but definitely a showstopper down the road. There is a tiny piece burried in the FAQs where there is some reference to arbitrators fees.- I agreed (in writing) a strategy (what to ask for, what arguments to use etc) but that did not end up at all being the wording in the notice significantly undermining the chances of wining. There seems no desire to correct it.- My vendor was given a 1 day notice period even though the letter was not delivered to them 9 days after the mentioned date. Unreasonable for any company and arbitrator so my case is probably DOA.I brought up all these items but all i get it a desire to escalate my case (with my upfront money at the risk of loosing) and not my wording.Maybe it was too good to be true. The technology works fine but I get the sense there is a lot of ******* through happening.

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