Facebook — Jail before Trial

I was discussing the German Evangelical Church’s relationship with the **** state during the years preceding and during WWII. Germaine to the discussion was a quote of Adolf Hitler, on protecting Christianity. I was immediately banned for 24 hours. When I got out of Facebook Jail a friend asked me why I was banned and I told him because I posted about the cozy relationship between the German Evangelical Church and Hitler and was immediately banned for an additional three days. Note nothing I have said was historically inaccurate. The German Evangelical Church is a proper noun referring a specific historical organization, Likely none affiliated with either the **** Party or the German Evangelical Church at that time are still alive to be insulted the post promotes no group or philosophy. I cannot believe a human has read the postings and would maintain a ban,,,, so judge and jury is a Facebook AI, Obviously, if they are going to use a stupid AI to regulate content there should be a human to adjudicate wrong calls. It would be very easy for Facebook to remove suspect content then if appealed review the AI decision before imposing a penalty… for sure at least get Google or even Microsoft to replace the halfwit brainlessness now demo

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