Facebook — Fraud

My name is Katrina Hunter I have tried to contact you so many times I have lost count. I have even sent a FTC violation complaint to the Attorney General of both California and Maryland. My FB, IG and Cashapp accounts were hacked on or about June 4th. Since then I have regained access to my IG and Cashapp accounts. Whats crazy is I had the same exact identifying info on both IG and FB. They still have the exact same profile picture and yet I can not get back in to my FB account. The hacker is doing all kinds of things using my face and name. I am extremely upset at this point and ready to sue everybody because this is my image being used for nefarious reasons. Kindly get back to me asap because this has gone on since June 4th and my image is being misused on Facebook platform. Respond to me immediatly so my account can be reinstated

Katrina A Hunter

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