Facebook — Erroneously Disabled Account

I tried to use my Facebook account today and discovered that the company has disabled my account. Some how an instagram account that is not mine with the username “knguvetque.thuvminhtreyd” was linked to my Facebook account, and this unknown account violated Community Guidelines. I can’t access my Facebook account in the least of ways, neither is there any information on how to recover my account. It was disabled without even verify whether is my actual account. There are some many apps and websites and purchases I cannot access because Facebook was my login for those things. It’s clear based on all my present account information that this unknown account is not affiliated with me at all. It’s absurd that Facebook with so quickly disable an account without verifying its validity. In addition, I can’t play the games I purchased on my oculus because they were associated with my Facebook. Moreover, for Facebook to be such an integral component to so many websites, apps, and purchase I can’t believe that don’t have an actual customer service. With an account this important anybody should be able to get in touch a live person to resolve issues. I’ve been disabled from being able to do so much today. Reactive my Facebook and MetaVerse account, and restore all of my information, messages, and logins back to how it was before. I have removed the linked account that was never mine to begin with from my account, and I have changed my Instagram password.

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