Erin Fraser – Winnipeg, Canad

So this girl Erin Fraser is a complete spaz . She smokes meth and sells drugs while her kid is at home with who knows who. When she doesn’t get what she wants she tries to call the cops on someone for selling drugs even tho she’s the one that sells them. She’s a nasty ***** that needs to use baby powder on her a$$ to stop the stench that comes from her used up ***** a$$. Shes a floozy but likes to be called an floozy cause it fancier. She’s definitely the definition of dead beat meth addicted mother. Flails to the max. She bums off of her friends on the daily to feed herself and kid. Her friend has to bring her food and bring her clothes or she will cry and act like she has it so hard. BUT really she’s just methed up. Shes the type of person you’d see at a *** bar just laying there ready to be used. Nasty ***** this one is. Trust me on this one when I say she’s NASTY

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