Eric Wickham — Watertown, New York

This Man is a disgusting name calling, abuser, He has done time for drug abuse, beating his ex wife, he cheats on women and uses online games to find and manipulate women online. De this man has a son that needs removing from his care, He is not safe. I have reported him for doing weed on cam in front of his own son, he name calls his son like a piece of **** and i am concerned for his safety. I caught this guy cheating on me, on a phone call with another woman, while i was on another program with him, and he did not realise i could hear the conversation. He was texting me saying how much he loved me, while he was chatting on call to her. Eric is a manipulator and a womaniser, i want all women to be aware of this abusive man, who i actually have videos of him jerking off!. I recently got contacted by the woman who he was cheating with and she confided in me, a nd told me what attitude that he had with her was the same bull **** he had said to me. This guy askes for money and tries to scam women. DO not give him any money. DO not fall for this deranged, angry abusive man.

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