Eric Bowles Jr — Georgia

Eric Lee Bowles Jr.- I met this guy about a year ago… on our first date he was very charming. Came off like a good listener very attentive to the conversation. He asked me questions about myself and my past. Because of things I dealt with before I pretty much adopted the motto “here’s my story take it or leave it”. When it was his turn to tell me about himself I asked very specific questions for a reason. He told me he was not married.. had never been married. Had no kids… wanted a family badly… Told me he was the only child to a mother who was the assistant DA in West Palm Beach and his father was a retired congressman. He graduated from Syracuse with his MBA and pretty much grew up with a silver spoon. And worked his way from the bottom to general manager at a waste management company. When I asked why he was single he told me that he focused so much on putting his career together after being hurt in the past but that he was now ready and able to share his life with someone since he was now established. He explained to me that he was a hard person to deal with because he was so spoiled and he works a lot so women always cheat on him.

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