Emily Sweeney — Burlington, Canada

Hey, de so this girl here is ratchet as fck She used to date this dirty native fentanyl dealer kyle Wilson who fukes anything with a pulse and she would let him for drugs every day she had 4 abortions with the fuking loser. Now shes dating this kid who lets her go party at people’s houses and get ********** by everyone who wants to drop off a crusty load She will *** anyone for meth or Pepsi or even a shot **** I even got her to do opiates she a bucket and she raws, everyone, last time we talked she had stds She was homeless for 4 months because she couldn’t go without free drugs when her x was homeless be careful with this one she likes to create fake stories in her head and tell people you are beating on her when you don’t and that you steal from her and **** heads up ppl you will see here on barton turning tricks in no time

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