Emily Hesse — Calgary, Canada

Dirty Swedish c*nt gave my boy the clap AND did! don’t sleep with this tinder trash. one night of drinking led to the biggest mistake of his life. he picks her up off tinder and we invite her and her girlfriend over for drinks. her gf turned out to be a catfish and Emily just wanted *** with my friend so they took a few rounds out of each other in the other room after a few tequila shots. next thing you know she blocks his number the next day and a week later he’s ******* razors so he goes to get checked. gets treated for std but then has the initial std outbreak and he is beyond crushed. this traveling gypsy lowlife goes from Toronto to Vancouver to Edmonton to Calgary to Regina To Halifax. everywhere in Canada. hooks up with random dudes and then ghosts them. De I was able to connect with another guy via IG who told me he slept her back in Toronto and she gave him the same ****. beware!! this h0ebag is as dirty as they come. no wonder she ran from her home country. slept with so many guys she has ruined herself and will pass it along to others. absolute filth!?

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