Elizabeth Corliss — Hamilton, Michigan

OK so i met her online and we started dating and she was very cool and everything but about a year into it i added her on facebook and i started going threw her old status and i found this other guy posting i love you comments. So confronted her about her and she said thats a family member and i believed her. So soon after i kept getting suspcious so one day i got on her facebook threw her phone and found a bunch of text from a 22 year old guy and she said oh thats my sister shes dating him and she is 20 so i still believed her but then i saw all the *** post and everything and after a few i finally got her to admit she was cheating on me with 6 different guys sending naked pics to them,sexting with them and everything. So i dumped her and then she started saying i was cheating on her so please if you meet her any where she is cheating on you with probably more guys. The reason she cheats is so she can feel pretty because all she does is get depressed and cries all the time over everything. She will also go to the hospital all the time, So please everyone please dont listen to her when she says she isnt cheating on you because she is.

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