Elizabeth Castillo — Hampton, South Carolina

This woman just won’t stop! She is clearly aware she is messing with a married man. Him and his wife a trying to work things out but she won’t stay out the picture. The man she keeps pursuing has been married for 9 years and has 3 children by his wife. This homewrecker is even married herself. If she is looking for someone to support her she is sadly mistaken. He will be paying child support for 4 children. She claims to be such a good Christian woman and mother. But doesn’t know how to respect someone’s marriage. She can mess with a married man, but can’t be woman enough to respond to his wife when she is questioned. She is worried a wife scorned will come to her job and fight her. Well, she wouldn’t have to worry about getting her tail handed to her if she learned to respect other people’s relationships. Obviously the reason why her own marriage didn’t work out is because she has no morals or respect for the sanctity of marriage. Can’t hide an affair when you are tagging the other person’s post! Busted!!!!

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