Elida Zapata — North Carolina

This nasty ***** worked in a manufacturing facility on 3rd shift where my husband was her supervisor. She’s 23 years old and recently lost her father and grandfather. Therefore, looking for a “father figure” she set her eyes on MY 48 year old sexy husband. She would make small talk with him at first and because she was the only Spanish speaking person in the plant at night, they spent a lot of time together using her as the translator for other non English speaking employees. Or so that was their excuse. Eventually he cracked they door and once he did, she went all the way in! Following him around all night long at work, sitting in his office with him and throwing herself on him! Despite the rumors and gossip and me confronting her nasty ***, she pushed it further! She added him on Snapchat where they exchanged 577 messages between the two of them. Arranged a meeting outside of work where this ***** put a hickey on MY husbands neck for me to see! Once I confirmed the rumors and could prove they were an item, I went in! I called her and her fiancé who also happens to be a supervisor at the same manufacturing facility only to get a whole denial from her! I then pulled out the messages and BOOM, him and her were busted! I proved all the physical contact between the two of them as well as all the sexting! None the less, I terminated her *** because I am the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER there and I can do that!!! Brave *****, huh? I can promise you that she fuked with the wrong *****’s husband when she looked st mine twice! Ha!!!! She has yet to face me and admit her wrong doings. That just shows how immature she is! A real woman would have been owned up to her dirt but not this little *****! So far her job is the only thing she’s lost! When the time is right, I’ll get that ***! Patience is a virtue! She will pay for the embarrassment that she’s caused me as well as the hurt that I’ve endured because of her whorish actions! She is deemed a homewrecking ***** in my book and I hope everyone that knows her sees this! What ya do in the dark will come to light *****! Especially if you’re doing it with MY husband!

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