Edward Setzler — Georgia

Edward gave no sign of trouble in a 25+yr relationship, then cheated online for weeks before going to Rome Georgia to join Carol Hester and cheat offline. Ruined the 2019 holidays for the family he left, including his young grandchildren, and even some of his friends. He claimed his trip was to meet a son his ex, Carol Hester, claimed to have had years earlier. No son is in the picture. Carol claims he was given up. After telling nearly everyone he was leaving to meet this son, who he claimed bought him a nonrefundable bus ticket, Edward waited 5 days to break things off with his then long term girlfriend, and did it on Facebook. He didn’t even give her the consideration of a phone call after over 25 years of love, support, and loyalty. He’s a liar, cheater, user, betrayer, and by his lack of action to even try to make anything right with those he’s wronged, he’s shown himself to be a coward. He and Carol have been playing the We’re just following our hearts card, and think all should be happy for them. A person must have a heart to follow it.

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