eDreams — Edreams Scamed me and ruined my vacation

When booking flight with EDreams, the baggage was included in the ticket and EDreams provided me 4 PNR which means that I have paid extra for 4 airlines for my luggage and this cost me over $500 extra. In addition, EDreams did not mentioned that I had to recollect my luggage from the transit airport and bring it to my connecting flight. I had to exit the Transit airport and tee ter the country in order to be able to collect my luggages. They should not scam people and should not ruin their vacation. In addition, they should let people know in advance if they have to exit a transit airport to collect their luggage. They should also not scam people for luggage. How they should resolve my complaint is that they should refund my tickets money in full. In addition, they should pay me the $500 which I have paid for the luggages and they should also compensate for giving me stress and ruining my vacation. EDreams should be out of business.

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