Dustin Jarrod McCaskill — Manitou Springs, Colorado

He’s spent years attempting to destroy numerous families online. His constant harassment, stalking, threats. and lies caused some to stand up for themselves. and now Dustin is in full b***h mode. Whining. crying. just all upset because people are telling the truth about him now He uses his own child to try and defame others…and he is generally just a worthless piece of s**t. De Dustin McCaskill definitely hates for the truth to be known… especially the fact that he and his mother had Southern Oklahoma Cop Block removed for harassing people. He neglects his child, because he spends all his time harassing others. Dustin lives with his mommy in Manitou Springs. Colorado. He’s one of those over 30 year old men that just couldn’t grow up and take care of things. He pulls a crazy check, so he’s a taxpayer funded online bully. or a corrupt online cop. After drug court in August. I’m sure he’ll get to see a lot of his old friends. Dustin McCaskill is still clinging on to his Southern Oklahoma Cop Block, operating a page called “Citizens opposed to Southern Oklahoma Cop Block”. Dustin McCaskill is a miserable shitstain. and will never amount to anything.

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