Dustin Damion Gordan Cruse White — Kingston, Canada

This man-child is, Absolutely disgusting. He’s a METH HEAD POT JUNKIE PILL POPPING RAPIST THAT IS A cheating, UNEDUCATED 25 YEAR video game all day playing welfare collecting OLD PIG *****, THAT IS not allowed to be around his OWN children he’s a woman- beater A pathological liar THAT IS CLEARLY delusional Dustin AKA dustpan truly BELIEVES HIS OWN LIES he doesn’t wash his hands he doesn’t shower for days at a time. and he DOESN’T care and KNOWS that HAS GOT STD HE KNOWS AND DOESNT CARE TO EVER EVER EVER WEAR A CONDOM SO HE CAN SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE, HE IS UP ON ABUSE CHARGES HE TO BE A STALKER GOOF. A bird that just LOVES TOO just manipulates any woman or the young girl he attaches to any woman that he can find to sponge off of. He will steal from you and make you believe that you’re the love of his life try to knock you up on purpose THAT’S BULLSH1T! CAUSE HE’LL *** ANYTHING THAT WALKS INCLUDING YOUR DOG. STEER CLEAR PEOPLE HE’LL TAKE YOU FOR YOUR MONEY De he will Crush every dream you have and your soul and spirit will be broken down he doesn’t do anything without his STINKY STD SPREADING FATHER OF THE YEAR WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER TOTAL CATCH PEEPS YOU’LL. GET TO WATCH HIM play video games PLAY WITH HIS STINKY **** MESSAGE multiple nasty women I don’t know if I could dating site all around town messages floozy sleeps with a different woman every single night and they’re not even really women drug addict homeless Cavs fall into his disgusting filthy c0ckish ways to bed cause he can’t sleep alone Shower alone he gets like a ***** that can’t fight his way outta a paper bag. so if you want to waste some valuable time doing nothing call on DUSTIN CRUSE -WHITE HES A WINNER TOTALLY FUKING JOKES.

1 thought on “Dustin Damion Gordan Cruse White — Kingston, Canada

  1. You need to take this bullshit down, as Dustins girlfriend this is absolutely ridiculous and there is no need for it.. whoever you are stop being a jealous whor3 and let him live his life I’m with him every second of the day and not once has he done any type of drug nor spend all day playing video games ***** grow the f*** up and move on with your life! If this dose not get taken down I will be taken legal actions on this page!

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