Drink order

I went through the drive-through from 3:30 to 4:00 pm yesterday., I ordered a large iced coffee. It came with glass completely filled with ice leaving enough room for 3 sips and it was gone. Today, I asked for less ice in the iced coffee. The same manager made the drink as yesterday. She gave me nasty looks, served me a cup of ice, cream, and water. No coffee. I am a nurse working at the hospital a block away. I take care of covid patients and want a cold drink and this is how I am treated. Starbucks is across the street, maybe I should give them my business. Really folks, is this what McDonald’s thinks of its customers? Demote or fire the manager. As a nurse, if I was vindictive to my patients, I would be fired on the spot. You don’t treat people this way. It is no wonder the kid serving out the window looked confused as to why I was getting this drink. I spent another two dollars at a Lexington store to get the drink I ordered. Two days in a row.

Author: Raine

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