Dr. Michael A. Garvey — New York, New York

If you sue this doctor while still under his care, be warned, he will try and beat you to death and he knows how to hurt you while leaving only slight traces of a physical assault. He used his fists to tenderize a patient’s kidneys (already tender due to lack of blood flow), in an attempt to get him to drop a lawsuit he was bringing against Dr. Garvey for malpractice. The doctor had previously withheld the man’s medication and refused essential treatment, causing him to suffer a swollen artery. A witness after the fact said that it appeared Dr. Michael Garvey had done more damage to his patient’s kidneys, while also reopening surgical scars and beat him in the heart, as well, before a nurse intervened, possibly saving the man’s life. All this happened while the defenseless man was in the emergency room and hooked to IV’s, getting ready to have dialysis. The doctor opened upon him with closed fists and was intent on imposing his will on a very sick man suffering from renal hypertension. What a brutish man! The attack happened at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital, in New York. Dr. “Slugger” is still getting sued, as one can imagine, with the nurse who pulled him off the patient as a witness for the prosecution. First, do no harm – unless you’re being sued for malpractice, then, f**k them up till they say HELP! After that, lawyer up and lie.


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