Dr. David Kloth — Danbury, Connecticut

Condescending does not begin to describe Dr. Kloth. The first 2 visits were great (aside from the ridiculous wait), and he was direct but nice. HOWEVER, the third visit, forget it. His true colors showed. His ego (which I always knew was there) is just too, too big. It is all about him, and *** forbid you to try to have a conversation that might show he doesn’t know everything in the world. Watch out, because you will be yelled at, talked down, and treated like a child. He will view what you have to say as arguing because his ego can’t take being wrong. Even if you tread lightly, as I did, he still can’t handle it like a professional. If you want to be belittled, then this is the doctor for you. The man was not even fazed when I cried because of how poorly he treated me. BEWARE!

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