Doug Cain — Delaware

So I have been married 8 years to a narcissist named Doug Cain. It has been **** and I was emotionally and sometimes physically abused. I left twice and he gives me Promises on how he quit drugs or drinking and it will be better and that lasts a day or two followed by financial abuse and neglect and being treated less than human. I was also ignored. My intuition was screaming for over a year and of course never got an answer but I was constantly looking. Well this past st Patrick’s day someone from his messages me on fab and said how he hated to see me duped and how he was at the parade with her while I was home with his kids! I love parades he never took me! He took her to all the events for his union and no one said anything of course how could they he was saying I was crazy and even went to say it was me on drugs. I went on the unions website and saw the pics of him at ever event for years! I don’t hate him bc I will

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