Doo Hwan Kim, Male *****! Cheated with men and women while I was Pregnant, then brought home DRDs!

Was it fun for u to cheat on me and beg another woman for *** while i was 3 months pregnant WITH YOUR BABY! Are u happy that i miscarried allowing u to continue to cheat? This emotional time caused me to behave out of my ordinary self and i became aggressive but can u blame me? I was able to retrieve all my std testing reports from my past to show how i didn’t have any DRDs before meeting u to the test that show me testing positive for DRDS right after u cheated on me. Its really MESSED UP how u lie to girls and me and say u have no DRDS and show them a report. Why do u leave out the part that there is no male test for DRDs! U really fooled me.DRDs causes cancer for girls in the future u sick sick person.U need to let people know. U also leave out that u have DRDs bc u cant test for it until u have a breakout which u also lied about. (girls u can ask your doctors for validation in my statement)i know u have more DRDs but i can only mention the DRDS i got from u otherwise i would be violating defamation laws. I consulted before posting on here, as long as i have tangible factual evidence I’m safe. My DRDs test results that came back positive is from 3/12/2019. i also have my DRD test results all the way back to 4/22/2016 when everything was negative and i get tested every year. The girl u slept with while living under my moms roof also has DRD . i can also have the girl that u sent inappropriate body pics to testify against sexual harrassment. I really wish I didn’t have to go this route but I AM SICK OF HEARING U TELL PEOPLE HOW I STOLE YOUR MONEY AND LIED. Stop lying to people. I’ve moved on and i was hoping for u to move on but why do u constantly bring up my name. I haven’t done anything to u. U also need to stop calling and showing up to my moms house and harrassing her. I get that your angry over the $3000 gift U bought me in November and then kicked me out of the house shortly after before i was able to pay u back. But in reality I paid 4500$ for your home and u have proof of this because I only handle cash and u deposited the money i gave u. also i have this on my Furbo cloud handing u an envelope of money so u can write a check to Sammi for the escrow check. did u also forget to mention to people how i paid off ALL of your student loans? thankfully u paid me back. This proof also is in your bank statements because, once again, I gave you cash. every cash deposit u made was from me. U lived under my moms house for 2 years and never paid a dime to my mother and she cooked for u day in and day out and u never showed an ounce of appreciation. Stop trash talking my name bc i will start showing the world what kind of person u really are bc i have enough tangible evidence.

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