Donna Dohogne — Alabama

AKA: Donna (Doo-Doo) Brown Dohogne from Enterp[prise Alabama! This is a dumb, poor-white-trash female that can’t take a hint or get her own man! She claims to be a talented graphic designer, but a dying amoeba has more creativity than this uneducated waste of skin!

She is a pathetic being with a whiny, self-absorbed, gold-digger mentality! She chases (married & unmarried) men that she thinks can take care of her and her tired, bald Ms. Pacman!

She failed at the task of caring for her sick Mother – she died; she failed in her marriage – he didn’t die but his finances did; and she failed as a pig farmer – the pigs like her Mom died! It seems that everything with some sense that gets involved with her dies…to get away!

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