Dominos Pizza — Theft of money, they cancelled my order with no reason, manager on duty rude and employees making food with no gloves on

I placed my order for two pizzas one was a free pizza redeemed. My total was $27.54 and I paid with my debit card. I checked the status of my order only to see it was cancelled by them and said to call the store. I called the store and someone picked up the phone but never spoke and it stayed like this for seven minutes then they hung up. I drove the five miles to check on the status of why it was cancelled and to get my money back but the refused and was rude telling me to get out of the store. He had told me that I could reorder my food and wait for it and it would be almost 40 minutes. I told him I wanted it delivered like it was originally supposed to have been but he refused so I asked for the refund of my delivery fee and again he refused. The “manager” even told me the reason why they didn’t answer the phone is because they was busy but got mad when I showed him that they infact answered the phone and just laid the phone down leaving me on there for seven minutes. When he said they was busy there was three persons in the store working and only one customer. They should have remade my food and delivered it like I requested and they should have explained why they cancelled my order. Any employee that makes contact with raw foods should be made to wear gloves per GPH and not allowed to touch face (nose) or other surfaces then the foods again. I am due a full refund and the return of my free pizza that I never got.

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