Dominos Pizza — Product Extremely poor quality

On the 8th of December. I rang up nd ordered a pizza from dominos blenheim . Received the pizza within a reasonable time .opened it up nd half of the triangle pieces were the size of corn chips so wen we went to break the pieces up all the topings came off ..I rang blenheim dominos nd manager was bissy nd would ring me bk . I missed his call as I was cooking my 9 nd 7 year Olds tea as the pizza we ordered was flawed .I rang blenheim dominos nd the manager had a go at me saying he tried to call me bk .in my opinion he was rude nd not at all trying to sort out the problem . He jst kept defending the staff wen I asked wat the complants procedure is .he said ringing him was the complants procedure..I asked if the was a head office that I could lay my complant with he said no there isn’t. I looked up on lino an only found the feed bk nd complants so I left a message . The voice promps said they would contact me bk within a 24 hrs time frame nd they didn’t. Found this site nd am now making my complsnt . I didn’t take a photo as I did not realize I could add it to .y complant .not once did he offer to replace my order..A child could of done a better job presenting ur product for consumption. A child would of responded with a resolution better than the taken manager . . I jst think all-round bad service . Replace my order nd give my money back .

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