Dollar Tree — Threatened by employee

Hi My name is Rachel Serrato and my daughter and I were in your store 8716 on 112522. When we got in line to check out approximately 4: 04 (per my receipt time) ‘Karena’ was at register 1 and the line was backing up. She paged a ‘Rita’ or a ‘Sabrina’ (I can’t remember her name specifically) but she was a rather large black woman with short hair and glasses. The woman never responded to her pages and the women’s line grew larger and larger, (mind you the manager CHRIS) were over by register 1 not only hearing her page for help but seeing the line grow with customers. So, this lady paged for assistance again, with again no response. By the 3rd time of her paging and the line now being down an isle of the store, this other woman came up YELLING at her telling her she needed to stop paging her and continued to put her down in front of a store full of customers. The woman on register 1 never responded to the cashier in lane 2. At this time the woman in lane 2 yelled at the customers she would help the next person on lane 2. As the customers divided up between the lanes…the cashier on lane 2 started once again humiliating and yelling at Karena on lane 1, telling her she wasn’t going to deal with her the remainder of her shift, and she needed to shut her register down.

As a customer I was in complete shock at the way she was not only disrespecting this lady (who was SO NICE!) but she was humiliating her and degrading her in front of a store full of customers. At this time I’m staring at this woman yelling at this poor lady at which time this cashier locks eyes with me and says to me ‘ you got a problem’ and I said ‘yes you are being so mean to her, and all she asked was for some help up here’ and this woman proceeded to yell at me and tell me ‘so what’ and ‘you need to mind your own business’ I told this woman that this lady on register 1 was doing a great job and she needed help and her behavior is VERY rude and unnecessary. At which time she stated to me ‘so what’.

My daughter (20 years old) chimed in and told this woman that she was being very unprofessional and very disrespectful to the other cashier and her mom and the cashier on lane 1 and the cashier on lane 2 replied with ‘and so what, you think I care’

I then asked the cashier on lane 1 if there was a manager I could speak with she timidly stated yes he was over there and pointed behind the Christmas section ( he was in Clear view and hearing of this whole situation that went on ) I then went over there to speak with him. He had absolutely no interest in anything I had to say. He showed no emotions about any of this!

My daughter and I walked away. As we left I was so sad for the employee in lane 1 that she was working with a manager that allows other employees to be so threatening and degrading that I stopped and told her what a great job she was doing and told her that I hope she found a job where she was respected. When I did this the lady in lane 2 immediately started yelling and cussing me telling me to “get the **** out of her store”

I have filed a police report with he columbus police department. Report T22019423

If you have cameras in your stores. i advise you to pull them on this date at this time above. the manager does not protect the employee from other employees nor do they protect their customers. So the manager Chris should NOT be a manager for your store and should be demoted andor let go.

The employee that attacked the other employee for asking her to do HER job and then attacking and threatening myself and my daughter should be fired!

I have called your head quarters 3x and have not been able to speak to anyone on this issue.

I would like a call back please

Thank you

Rachel Serrato


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