Dollar General — Unethical treatment for reporting suspicious activity to law enforcement

I have been a regular loyal customer since the opening of my local DG store I visited the store atleast 5 times a week and sometimes more I know all the employees and I have grown fond of the treatment I received from the employees I visited a few weeks back and cashier didn’t seem like her normal self and I was concerned so I returned and ask her if everything was ok and noticed a strange man go behind the counter to the office knowing all the employees this didn’t seem right to me so I called the police and asked if they could do a check on the employee and store it turned out to be nothing but I believe in if you see something that you are morality obligated to say or do something and because I ed the authorities the manager has banned me from the store and I don’t feel that she has a right to ban any customer for being concerned about the safety and well-being of the company store and the employees who work there. Have the manager to lift the ban and allow me to do business with my local DG store and have the manager take a course in business ethics and the ethical treatment of employees and customers to assure that they treat the people who make up the stores community are treated with customer appreciation and respect that your company has built its reputation for thank you for your time to help with this matter and I hope you make it a priority and take measures to insure that all your managers are treating the employees and your customers ethically and respectfully as your corporation standards insists they should. An apology would be nice but not required

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