Dollar General — This store is a mess

There is never product that i need . Shelves are bare . What stock there is ,are loaded in the aisles blocking any way to get down the aisle ( I have photos) When asked about the poor quality of the store, the employees say there isn’t enough help to unload the limited items they do get off the trucks, and They have empty shelves because corporate does not send what they need, and they can’t get the trucks in to deliver. Other DG stores are run a lot better.

1) Hire more people. Hire people to just stock shelves and people to wait on customers. It wouldn’t hurt for you to hire people to clean up the store either.
2) Send products that customers want and need. you have been out of large cans of cat food for several months. I spent aprox $300.00 a month on cat food, litter and other cat products. Because you don’t send any of this I have to drive 30 miles to Walmart to buy it.
3) Stop building more stores until you get the ones already in existence straightened out

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