Direct Express — Look at all the proof and pay me my money I lost

I got my card stoled on June 5th 2022 the person who did it was hired by me to move some boxes to storage unit he came over to my apt that evening I had already took some of my meds 1 of them makes you sleepy he showed up to do another load I told him to go ahead I was going to lay down my cards and everything in my pocket was on end table while I was asleep he stoled my card and I woke up to card gone I called direct express and found out I had 3 dollars in my account not 530 like it should of been I called police and made report called direct express and told them I did everything direct express wanted me to in a timely matter I have proof he Facebook me telling me at least 6 times how he admitted to stealing my money and how he was going to pay it back I was told I got denied because not sending police report and proof of him stating he did it I sent that in and know coming up with new excuses why they won’t pay me back I become homeless first time in 57 years do to this lost everything I own to this and never once tried to defraud anyone ever I sent notarized letter stating proof in his own words of stealing it they just making up things to not pay me they are not taking my proof nor my word or anything that shows it there now blaming me the victim the homeless one over this totally bull **** I could have guy go in person and tell how he Robb me and that wouldn’t be good enough

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