Dina Kershteyn — Brooklyn, New York

Enter HOMEWRECKER Dina Kershteyn. She has had an affair with my now ex for over a year. In November after leaving his disgusting a$$, instead of trying to spend thanksgiving or any time with his daughter, him and her took off to Spain for over a week. Her father scumbagged my ex out of money on a job he did for him so makes sense to have an affair with his daughter. He swore up and down that he wasn’t cheating with her and even had his family lie for him, even calling her a lesbian. This girl has known about me and my daughter since June 2016 if not before. This girl PROUDLY calls herself trash and allows other men to grope her chest in public and displays it for the world to see on Instagram. Coming from a broken family herself you’d think she’d have some insight on what cheating and homewrecking does but apparently not. Looks like all daddy’s money can’t buy her an ounce of class, dignity or respect. On Facebook she’s known as Dina Kay and on instagram she’s known as dee_murdaaaa… spews classiness I know.

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