Diane Rodriguez — Phoenix, Arizona

Diane Rodriguez a.k.a Di Rodriguez stalks people and or ex’s She had relations with or just fuked ..she works at a casino as a security officer by the west gate in Phoenix Arizona This ***** is so mad that she can’t make babies with anybody else that she has to stalk all of her exes She goes as far as a delusional ***** and sends messages to family members including their mother even if it’s been more than 10 years who does that??!?.. This ***** is nothing but a drinker and pill-popping tweaker she looks like a fuking tranny and loves to call cops on people she’s the biggest snitch in Phoenix. Watch out for this man ***** .. most people use her cuz her sisters are finer than her and including her best *** friend that **** her current dudes hahaha It’s best to say that this ***** is nothing but a lonely *** hag she dated a very old wrinkly senior guy maybe about 90 years old just for money she was looking to marry .. hun with your looks sugar baby days are over for you 🤣 And there are lots of secrets in that family that I know of some and I am not going to detail on here just know statistically they will do it to others too and if you decide to have kids with this ***** make sure you look into her family Really good including uncles I would not want kids around that 🤭 but women beware of this ***** if she dated your man she’s more than likely to stalk his *** and or your family too and harass them and try to convince their family that she’s innocent 🤣 Pathetic *** *****.

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