Diana Simone Bean — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

My husband of 5 years (together 10 years) & father to our 3 y/o son hit rock bottom. Depression/suicide…along comes Diana. 47 y/o 300 lb mall employee to the rescue. Husband reaches out for emotional comfort & this B wants the D! She knew all along he was married with a 2 y/o baby at home but chased gim for a year. When I had to the opportunity to talk with her she says, “but your husband loves you & your son; you two were off limits to discuss.” Once my husband got ratted out & ceased contact with Diana, this lonely B starts harassing me & taunting me with pictures of my 2 y/o son! I ended up with a police report & filed for a VPO against this crazy A home wrecker. Keep your men away from the mall! Lol

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