Diana Blyden – Georgia

This woman not only cheated with my husband but because I was out of the country when he died she along with my mother-in-law lied to the funeral director about my husband’s marital status. They said that we were divorced. It wasn’t enough that she was living with my husband in sin but she had to deny me the rights as the wife to be involved in my husband final affairs. I was not informed of my husband’s death until 2 days after he died and by then he was cremated. I consulted a lawyer and I was informed that the committed criminal and civil fraud. Now, in order to have the death certificate amended I have to pay a lawyer to obtain a court order. I didn’t realize that there were such desperate, thirsty and treacherous women still in existence. She has no shame because she continues to post pictures of him and her on her facebook profile, that what she did was okay. I pray that the Creator gives her just what she deserves because when I finish with my criminal case her facebook is all the proof I need to win my civil case against her.

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