DHgate.com — Bait and Switch advertising

On August 5th, 2021 I placed an order through DHGate to purchase a 5in1 40K Cavitation machine. picture and description was shown. The purchase was from Echoqueen which is one of the companies that DHGate sponsors I paid DHGate which in turn released it to Echoqueen. I received a small package marked sample. not for resale containing what was listed as facial mask. I am now told that I ordered what the seller Echogueen is now calling a membrane not a facial and have been in touch with Echogueen through 50 plus emails and have been talked down to when I stated that I did not order the facial materials and did not know what it was and did not need it if I didn’t have the machine. Seller insulted my intelligence. When I launched a complaint DHGate has been of no help. Their system is set up in such a way that you will always be the loser. When you sign up you give your email address but all email correspondence goes to them and not to your email. You have to read them on their sight. I did not know all that when signing up. There was no pictures of this so called membrane when I placed the order, but it was added along with the picture of the machine stating 1 piece by the machine. If I didn’t order the machine, why is there a picture of it on the invoice. The seller refused to refund my money.

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