Devon Rudloff — Florida

Beware of this lunatic. She has accused multiple husbands of domestic violence only to have the court rule in favor of the Huband on both occasions. Both of her accusations and dismissals can be found in Bay County clerk records: Greg Moormann and in Hillsborogh County in her name or that of her ex Dave Stephens. Her whole family is nuts and they will attempt to frame anyone that crosses their dear daughter/Sister.
Devon is AVP of Human Resources with Chesapeake Utilities. She over sees hundreds of employs but when it comes to her own life is a total mess and her sister and her father actually run it and will stop at no cost to emprison anyone that upsets Devon. I tried to divorce her and they framed me for battery of an elederly. Her father, Steve Rudloff, lied and said I pushed him after the court dismissed all allegations by Devon. Devon lied on at least five occasions in order to get a temporary injunction for domestic violence served. This injunction had no merit and was dismissed by the court as were the allegations brought by her father. Mandy the Sister likes to try to implicate me by stating to all that I have a record in Bay County of domestic violence. The truth is she shows just how ignorant that she is by providing links to the records that shows that I was guilty of nothing except marrying a crazy woman. Thanks Mandy for providing links that show and prove that your crazy family tried everything to get convicted of crimes.

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